Getting your child ready for school

Getting your child ready for school

How did this occur so quickly? In your arms one minute, your universe is filled with all-night feedings and diaper changes. Then you blink, and you're suddenly facing their first day of kindergarten or pre-school.

Another enormous tsunami of change is on our way - for you and them. Here are 20 best suggestions to help you get your child ready for preschool because we've all been there.


Some information is crucial, such as their teacher's name and the fact that they are there to assist. It's crucial that your child understands to inform them if they are in need, upset, or ill. Assure them that they will have plenty of time during the day to eat lunch, enjoy snacks, and use the restroom. However, don't go overboard with the details; your kid doesn't need to be overloaded with information.


Do a practice run if you're scootering or walking. If you want to drive, be sure you are familiar with the route and the estimated travel time. Show your child any noteworthy landmarks along the way; say hi to the boats on the river or the diggers on the construction site. These will quickly become enjoyable and reassuring facets of the daily schedule.


Making time to meet up beforehand for a quick stroll or playdate with any children you know who attend the same school, even if it's only through a friend-of-a-friend, may be quite beneficial. Some children who don't know one another well will form friendships quite quickly, but if your child has trouble making friends, teach them some helpful expressions before the first day of school, such as "Can I join?" or "Would you like to play?" Simply practicing saying "Hello" may be quite beneficial.


They are familiar with their names when they hear them, but how frequently do they see them written down? Encourage them to practice seeing it written down. In addition, they might practice writing it. Even just becoming accustomed to holding a pencil correctly may significantly boost a student's confidence in learning new abilities. They don't even need to be able to duplicate it exactly (schools WILL NOT expect your 3- or 4-year-old to be able to write!).


Their first day of school shouldn't be one of those days where you have to rush to get everything done. Keep the morning as relaxed as you can. Make time to take "first day" pictures and arrive at the school's entrance in plenty of time.


The easiest method to make them more anxious is to drag out the parting. Don't, however, sneak out either. If you abruptly vanish, your child might become even more frightened. An exit ritual may be beneficial. Anything you like is acceptable, including a warm hug, a firm handshake, or a hearty "See you later, sweetie!" After saying your goodbyes, go as soon as possible. This next part is crucial as well: When you pick them up at the end of the day, emphasise the fact that you returned just as you had promised.

Good luck on the big day!

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